Back in stock alert notification and preorder with discount
Title tag
Back In stock email notification, PreOrder with discounts
Meta description
Automated restock emails send to customers and generate more sales, Allow users to place a pre-order with extra discounts and generate more leads.
Are you losing your customer when there's "Soldout" button on product, convert "Soldout" to "Notify Me" Or "PreOrder" button and know about your products demands, Your customer can ask for the product restock notification and whenever you restocked the product the email notification will be sent to the customer.
Create new customer on your store and increase marketing strategy, also filter products by notify tags and get notification on new notify leads.
Start sales before items are in stock.
+ 4 more
In our report, Letsmetrix'll cover the following analytics on usage of the Pre‑Order | Restock Notifier Shopify app.
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