Our change log tracking for BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total has recorded all the changes in its app listing on the Shopify App Store.
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App Info
Reviews (18)
App name
BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total
Drive sales by using various sales pop widget
Title tag
Sales Pop Total for Shopify
Meta description
Promote product with a variety of widgets Recently Viewed, Social Proof, and Recommendation… Best way to optimize in-house traffic
Looking for a solution to the annoying problem of multiple pop-up windows overlapping on your website? Sales Pop Total has you covered! Sales Pop Total is a collection of many different popups from Social Proof, Live counter, Recently view, Sticky Add To Cart, Upsell, and Cross-selling popups. All these Sales Pop Total windows will never overlap. This will give your customers a better experience on your website and help your website get more Inhouse Traffic.

+ 1 more
In our report, Letsmetrix'll cover the following analytics on usage of the BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total Shopify app.Category PositionsRanking of BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total in best match categories of the Shopify App Store
Popular Category PositionsRanking of BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total in the most popular categories of the Shopify App Store.
Date Range:
Category Positional Changes
- Social proof
- Upsell and cross-sell
Category Popular Positional Changes
- Social proof
- Upsell and cross-sell
Review ChangesBeMeApps: Sales Pop Total has maintained the same number of reviews over the past 30 days.
- Review
Rating ChangesBeMeApps: Sales Pop Total rating has no change in the past 30 days.
- Star
Change Log Tracking
- Change log
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5 (5697)
Free plan available. Free trial available.
Earn trust with authentic product reviews, photo, social proof
Popular with businesses in SingaporeUse directly in Shopify adminWorks with the latest themes
Built for shopify

4.9 (1888)
Free plan available. Free trial available.
Boost sales with Insta feeds, shoppable videos, Reels & UGC.
Popular with businesses in SingaporeUse directly in Shopify adminWorks with the latest themes
Built for shopify

4.9 (14771)
Free plan available. Free trial available.
Win trust & boost sales with product reviews in photos, videos
Popular with businesses in SingaporeUse directly in Shopify adminWorks with the latest themes
Built for shopify

4.9 (5539)
Free to install
Cash on Delivery Form: Upsell, Offers, OTP & SMS To Grow Sales
Use directly in Shopify adminWorks with the latest themes
Built for shopify

4.9 (5147)
Free plan available
Easy landing page builder, homepage, product page, blog & more
Popular with businesses in SingaporeUse directly in Shopify adminWorks with the latest themes
Built for shopify

5 (462)
Lift AOV with Frequently Bought Together Upsell and Cross-sell
Popular with businesses in SingaporeUse directly in Shopify adminWorks with the latest themes
Built for shopify
BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total FAQs
1. Is BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total free on Shopify?
Yes! Try BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total free plan. For more details about BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total pricing, check here.
2. How do I install BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total on my Shopify store?
3. What languages does BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total support?
4. Which App/Tool does BeMeApps: Sales Pop Total integrate with?