All Shopify App Store reviews by MarryJaneUltimate from United States
- MarryJaneUltimateFrom app: SmokeDropLocation: United States - 3 months using the appSmoke Drop has to be acknowledged to be a great app that boosts “more” after each product added, as it’s an inexhaustible source of great products,and that’s exactly what someone who makes and runs Head Shop needs.More! I especially want to warn You about Carly, he is a Person who surprises You by E-mail and asks you after you have not send him a answear whether everything is OK, where it is stuck, he is interested in Your problem and offers detailed instructions on what and how to do to resolve a problem, links o videos with explanations... And just when you have no will to answer anything to anyone out of pain and thinking about the problem-mail from Carly :) From one Carly he became my favorite new Friend and here I thank Him for his help, patience and desire to help me - which he did .Thanks Carly, without You and without Your devotion to the individual everything would be different.This can be also viewed from the rewiews from other users of this great application to which You also left the impression of a good friend! And in the end, I would just like to say this: If the store with this app and everything it offers doesn't make enough to gladly pay that $ 99, which is definitely worth this kind of help - you shouldn't be doing anything in this business at all. Best regards,Neno,Germany
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